
梅宮大社神苑の風景(The scenery of Umenomiya Shrine)


Umenomiya  Shrine's garden is a migrant garden.
In this season the sprout of the maple is beautiful, the flowers of iris bloom in the pond and the water lily is in bloom in another place.
The azaleas are in full bloom, and the early blooming hydrangeas bloom behind it.
It is pleasant to go around while being taken away by the flowers appearing one after another and it is felt that time passes by soon.

I already uploaded about iris and water lily,
Here I introduce the other landscape of the garden.






池に映っているもみじの枝葉(Maple reflected in the pond)


三つ葉躑躅(One kind of Azalea)





早咲きの紫陽花 (Hydrangea of early flowering)

   緑のトンネル(Green Tunnel)


緑の枝の向こうに満開の躑躅(Azaleas bloom between the green trees)


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